Friends and Neighbors –
I’m excited to announce that I am running for the Provo City Council – Citywide.
I love Provo. I went to school at Edgemont Elementary, Farrer Middle School, and Timpview High School. Later I got a degree from BYU.
I’m running to keep Provo’s high quality of life. That’s what attracted many of us to move here and raise our families.
Having lived in a variety of neighborhoods in Provo, I recognize that each neighborhood is unique and each neighborhood has its own concerns and as a city our zoning should reflect this. As projects, changes, and other items are brought forward, I pledge to listen to every neighborhood in Provo.
I understand that every penny spent by Provo City is money that comes from your pocket. The city should do everything possible to avoid a tax increase. We have to make sure we are spending money wisely and maintaining our excellent bond rating. Keeping tax rates low and still providing the excellent service that our residents expect takes long term vision and planning. My goal is to be more forward thinking about our budget so we don’t burden future generations with unnecessary expenses.
Provo needs to compete with our neighboring cities to attract a good mix of retail and other businesses. By having a business friendly attitude we can attract good paying jobs and the type of commercial businesses our residents desire, so the Whole Foods and Apple Stores of the world come to Provo. Provo’s home grown businesses are an essential asset to our city- the number of Provo-born restaurants alone contributes to our quality of life and economy. Shopping locally owned Provo businesses keeps our money in Provo.
We live in one of the best cities in the country for quality of life, family, and regional economy. I want to work with you – the community – to maintain all those wonderful qualities and assets to build on our successes as Provo advances rapidly into the future.
I hope to visit with you soon.